We strongly believe it’s important that our work plays a larger role in society. This is why the Brain and Development Lab embraces Open Science, and takes several steps to improve scientific cooperation and involve society in its research:
We use co-creation with societal partners, and involve youth panels. This way we aim to develop the best possible study designs, tailored towards the needs of society. In 2020 we started the YoungXperts platform in Rotterdam (see also SYNC lab).
Open Science Framework
We highly value preregistration of our studies on the Open Science Framework for confirmatory analyses.
FAIR data
We work according to the FAIR principles. Please contact us directly in case you are interested in using one of the data sets.
All our publications since 2017 can be found on the free Leiden Repository, assuring full open access to anyone interested in our findings.
Collaboration over competition
We value collaborative research and team science over individual success.
We strive towards the highest level of interdisciplinary research. We often discuss our designs and results with neighboring fields because it challenges us to think about whether we are still asking the right questions and how to make our research better.
We are actively involved in science outreach. We find it important to give back to society in terms of knowledge sharing, and to improve our scientific questions and designs based on the feedback from teenagers, parents, teachers and societal stakeholders.