Welcome to the New Generation

How do young people successfully grow up in an increasingly complex society?

The Brain and Development Lab examines fundamental changes in human brain function across childhood and adolescence.

Eveline Crone
Principal Investigator

The Leiden Brain and Development Lab, founded in 2005 by Eveline Crone, examines fundamental changes in brain function across the life span. Using longitudinal neuroimaging techniques, the lab examines developmental trajectories over time in the domains of self-deve lopment and self-regulation, social learning and prosocial behavior, as well as the predictors of contribution to society. Our motivation is to shed light on developmental processes with a particular focus on the role of social and environmental factors, such as parent and peer interactions.

Discover our research projects

Growing Up Together in Society

Young people growing up in today’s society are faced with many challenges. Because of digitalization and globalization social worlds are more connected than ever. There are many societal challenges, such as geopolitical tension, polarization and climat …

Leiden Consortium on Individual Development

Most children develop well and find their way into society without many problems, but not all children manage to do so. We test how individual trajectories are related to a combination of the child’s disposition and the environment in which he or she i …


One of the main challenges of developmental cognitive neuroscience studies is to track changes in brain and behavior longitudinally. Within this research line we  investigate developmental changes in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood in three …

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